Laugh a while and beat stress


We all know that our health is directly linked to the stress level we have. We eat more when we are under stress, and weight loss becomes difficult. Both men and women often wonder why they are unable to lose weight instead of doing everything from diet to exercise: stress is the main reason behind as it creates craving.

So, this weekend instead of writing serious stuff, I am giving some interesting quotes, which would surely help you release some stress. The fact is if you want to be healthy, find fun in everything and make it your daily habit.











How 3 mistakes make men unhealthy?


11      There are certain mistakes men do in their 30s which can result in weight gain and weak bones. The problem is that most men don’t even know that they are doing these mistakes. Below are 3 common mistakes men do in their 30s.

1. Stretching is unnecessary

Most men think that they should stretch out only in 40s, but that’s a completely wrong concept. You should stretch at any age so that it can make you healthy later on. Men often think that if they are active now they will remain so in 30s but that’s not true. The bone mass starts decreasing in 30s which may cause fracture any time due to an accident.

Most men are busy getting somewhere in their career and long sitting hours make them overweight. Same way if they don’t exercise it would further lead to old age disability. Weight training isn’t enough which men do in 20s. They should do a mix of stretches, aerobics and weight training for flexibility. Sometime just weight training may cause backbone issue in men. So, by doing a mix of exercises, men can burn more calories especially if they also take healthy diet.

2. They don’t take stress

Another misconception is that men don’t take much stress compared to women, but that’s wrong. The fast life and competitive professional environment creates lot of stress in men. This stress further may increases if you are also married in 30s, because you have kids and home responsibilities, as well as less sleeping hours. Hence, you need to work out more to cope with all such stress.

According to Dr. Steven Lamm, from NYU Langone Medical Center some men withdraw themselves in stress and their suppressed feelings can create mood swings in them. Some other men start drinking more so all these conditions lead to poor health and life threatening diseases. So, three things can make men healthy and relaxed, including exercise, good nutrition and good sleep.

 3. They don’t need a doctor

Most men in their 30s only go to doctor when it’s an emergency, as otherwise they don’t even see a doctor in months or years. This is obviously a bad habit, because visiting a doctor at least once a month is important so that you can monitor your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels.  Moreover, sometime your doctor can warn you about a disease looking at the tests. So, by just changing your lifestyle you can save yourself from any health risk. According to the American Cancer Society a large percentage of men get testicular cancer during 20s to 30s which can be treated if diagnosed earlier. So, all these factors show that men in 30s must follow a healthy lifestyle and should maintain it forever.
